You Can Make a Difference
Stewardship is the act of taking care of something we love, something we value and want to see continue and thrive. The First Unitarian Church of Sherborn makes a positive difference our community and the world and depends upon our continuing stewardship to exist and to further its mission and vision. During Pledge season we gather to reconnect with old friends, to make new friends and to reflect on what First Unitarian Church of Sherborn means to us.
We believe the best way for this church to make a difference in our community is to become actively involved. If you are looking for a fulfilling means in which to be a part of our efforts, then it’s time to make a pledge and join the UUAC's efforts.
Please sign up to attend a gathering or 1:1 meeting sometime in March or early April. Whether you are a relative newcomer, a contributing friend, or a member of any duration, we want to spend some small-group time with you. These gatherings will be held in person at church or in congregants’ homes, or for those who prefer, via zoom or individual phone call. You may sign up online through this link: Stewardship Gatherings. If you have already signed up for a gathering at church, no need to do so again. If you are unable to attend a gathering, please take a moment on your own to reflect on what the UUAC means to you before you click on the link to complete your pledge form.
After attending your gathering, and by May 15th, please fill out the 2023 pledge form below. If you are unable to attend a gathering, please take a moment on your own to reflect on our stewardship theme in completing your pledge form. Submit your pledge form to continue your sustaining pledge, to confirm or change payment method, to adjust your pledge amount, or to pledge for the first time.
On May 28th we will celebrate our commitments to the church together in a worship service and a celebration cake after the service.
What do we need you to do?
If you have not yet made a pledge for 2023, please do so by clicking on the blue Pledge button below.
This will enable you to:
Make your pledge, and designate it as ongoing (sustaining) or annual. You can change a sustaining pledge at any time, by contacting the Stewardship Team (
Indicate your preferred payment frequency and method
This link works for new or continuing pledgers.